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Becoming a Grassroots Advocate

At the Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities (GCDD), we know that Georgians with developmental disabilities (DD) want to live full lives in our communities and they are fully capable of doing so. And we know that if we, the citizens of Georgia, choose to make positive changes to our system, more and more people with DD will be working in our communities, living with their families, friends or independently as they so choose, and participating in their communities all across Georgia. When all of our citizens, including those with DD, are able to use their gifts and talents and pursue their dreams, it creates a better Georgia for us all. To make this a reality, we all have to become grassroots advocates to promote public policy that is truly inclusive of citizens with DD.

Get involved! Sign up for our Public Policy & Advocacy Alerts!

Tools for Grassroots Advocacy

Everyone has a story to tell. And your story is a powerful form of grassroots advocacy!

In 2018 and 2019, the Georgia Council of Developmental Disabilities teamed up with talented writers and photographers who set out across the state to collect some great stories about people with developmental disabilities. The Storytelling Project was born.

Our original 100 stories span Georgia's 56 state senate districts. These stories feature at least one individual who resides in each district – allowing this project to become a vehicle of advocacy for Georgians living with disabilities.

Learn more and read stories about The GCDD Storytelling Project. The stories will inspire you on how to tell your own story to make a difference!

Advocating with the Legislature

Stay informed! In addition to links provided on this page, read our Advocacy & Public Policy Alerts. And be sure to sign-up to get email notifications when we post new alerts.

GCDD Advocacy Initiatives and Announcements

Voting Advocacy

  • REV UP Election Voting Campaign: REV UP’s mission is to build the power of the disability vote through increasing civic engagement in the disability community and improving the accessibility of elections. REV UP stands for “Register, Educate, Vote, Use your Power!” and provides updated resources for voters with disabilities for each year’s elections.
  • The Disability Guide to Voting: Information provided by the Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities.